Interaction Design Symposium

The Dept. of Communication Design hosted an Interaction Design Symposium, where UX/UI designers and tech enthusiasts from in and out of IVS were invited to participate in a design charrette, workshops led by industry experts, portfolio reviews and a riveting panel discussion.

The design charrette aimed to harness the creative energies of aspiring designers towards a pressing global concern: green transportation. In this intensive and collaborative session, participants engaged in hands-on design activities, brainstorming, and prototyping to envision innovative solutions that promote sustainability in transportation systems. Through this charrette, we aspire to ignite dialogue, inspire creativity, and cultivate a community of design-thinkers dedicated to shaping a greener future.

The symposium held the following UX/UI workshop:

Workshop 1: Interactive Foresight - Figjam for Collaborative Design
Workshop 2: Beyond Aesthetics – Navigating UX Strategy for Optimal Experiences
Workshop 3: Fundamentals of Game Design
Workshop 4: Beyond Brainstorming – Advanced Design Thinking Techniques
Workshop 5: Designing Immersive and Interactive Realities – XR Design and Spatial Design Fundamentals
Workshop 6: From Basics to Brilliance – Master Figma for Design Excellence
Workshop 7: Unveiling the System – A Systems Thinking Approach to Design
Workshop 8: Hidden Savings: Designing for Secrecy in Fintech for Pakistani Women

The panel discussion focused on navigating the real world as a fresh IxD graduate where panelists shared personal experiences and advice for young designers.

This was the first Interaction Design Symposium at IVS, we hope to host more.